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The bank traces its history to the Bank of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, founded in March 1956, which in turn was the successor to the Central Currency Board. The Reserve Bank has continued to function, and has grown in operations and staff, through a variety of changes in sovereignty and governmental structure in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe. For over 4 decades the RBZ operated from the Reserve Bank Bulding along Samora Machel Aveneu adjacent to First street. In the late 80s a competition was conducted to design the new building and the winning design was by Clinton & Evans and Architects,they went on to design the Reserve Bank of Malawi Building as well. Construction of the new RBZ building began in 1993 and was fully completed in 1997 but was officially opened by President Robert Mugabe on May 31, 1996. The building is the tallest in Zimbabwe standing at a height of 394 feet with 28 floors above ground.